Ancient America's Mississippian Culture
As an Amer-Indian, Gullah-Geechee woman, Sufia Giza is descended from Mississippian Moundbuilders through her mom’s McQueen line, tracing from Cofetazque, South Carolina to Talisi, Alabama.
In her book, Moundbuilders of Ancient America: A Legacy Reclaimed, Ms. Giza has combined 38 years of research with the latest DNA Technology. In 2017, using tools to trace her ancestor's early Migrations out of Africa and into America, her DNA results pin-point Ancient Amer-Indian Ancestry in Mesoamerica, linking her Heritage with the Ancient Ohlone, Serrano, Muskogee and Olmec ethnicities.
Starlina Hadjo, Wind Clan Woman
A Red Stick Creek Clan Mother
Moundbuilders of Ancient
America: A Legacy Reclaimed
Check upcoming Book Signings, Media/Press, Events & Eco-Tours:
Moundbuilders of Ancient America
Book Trailer, (2019)
Smudging with sage for the Ancestors
@Etowah, GA, (2015)
Amer-Indian Culture:
Try smudging or cleansing your environment with a traditional sage & cedar smudge wand to remove negative energy.