Ohlone, Ancient Californians
These are Sufia's newly discovered Ancient Californian Ancestors, the Ohlone. She knew her folks were important after meeting the Hadjo Clan through a McQueen Patriarch. Yet, this unknown branch of Sufia's family also reveals and intersects a part of America's Pre- Columbian
History that we know far too little about. Her family's untold story is long overdue, so sit back and get ready for this ride through real life history making.
Amer-Indian History 101
Mississippian Chiefdom
The Southeastern Ceremonial Complexes of Mississippian Chiefdoms ran organized City States, led by a Cacique, a Spanish word for Governor. This book reveals one family's experience, showing both triumph and tribulations, resulting in what is now called, the Mississippian Shatter Zone. The impact of this is what led to the collapse of Mississippian Culture.
Symbol of the WIND CLAN
Book available on AMAZON. For a signed copy, please send $15.00 to
PAYPAL: sufia.giza@gmail.com or CASHAPP: $Windclanhadjo
Reviews of Moundbuilders of Ancient America: A Legacy Reclaimed
January 11, 2019
Dr. David Imhotep
Shem Hotep Sister Giza,
Your book is amazing!!!!!!!!!
Also you are a very advanced composer, the way you chose and write your words are on point saying a lot in just a few sentences.
Please contact me by phone so I can discuss doing some combined lectures in person or on-line
Mon, July 15, 2019
Dr. Mark Newel
At page 62 of your book - fascinating read and I do appreciate your kind acknowledgement. I will probably buy another copy from Amazon so that I can write a “verified purchase” review. I think you are a maverick researcher on the forefront of new ‘American’ history. Thanks so much for sending the book.
Archaeonaut Channel on YouTube.com
May 14, 2020
Khwantza McLeish